ID Matching
This release adds automatic ID matching of Metadata Content resources to known 3rd party IDs, including IMDB, EIDR, Wikidata, TMS/Gracenote, and Rovi.
Feed Details Split Pane
We have changed the layout of the screen to allow you to view the details in a split screen view. On the left you can view the configuration details and on the right you can see the content preview of the feed. As you make changes to the feed configuration, the feed content will dynamically update.
Metadata - Content + Offer Aggregations
Work on functional changes to enable aggregated querying of Content and Offers resources is now complete. This work includes enabling feeds to specify intersected relationships so client systems can benefit from the caching. Aggregate resources are not designed to be queried directly by customers. Instead access is through a query to the primary resource, including the secondary resource using the intersect option.
Metadata - Field Locking
Field Locking allows editors or backend applications to flag fields so that they are not overwritten by other automated processes such as ingest or other editors without explicit override.
Metadata - Production Locations
Support for production locations has been added to the domain model in the metadata service. This allows flagging of content filmed in a particular location like: countries, cities or even GPS locations. Examples being: London, UK; Stoke Park House, Buckinghamshire; Monument Valley, Arizona; Devil’s Tower, Wyoming, Eiffel Tower, Paris and Neuschwanstein Castle, Schwangau, Bavaria.
Metadata - Category Management
We have implemented the new category management section that allows a user to click through Categories in a tree structure and browse Content associated with them. This is particularly useful for tenancies with large Category structures across multiple schemes.
Metadata - Feed Stability and Performance
This release contains several changes to the feed service providing better stability and improved performance.
Metadata - Characters
We introduced a new resource within the metadata service to deal with the complexities of characters in credits being played by more than one actor, and appearing in more than one movie or series. A prime example of this is James Bond.
Seven different actors played James Bond in a franchise of twenty six films to date.
Workflow - Integration with Metadata
The Flow Language, which is used to define the execution steps in workflows, now has support for interacting with the Metadata Service to retrieve Contents and Assets, allowing other steps to make use of the metadata in decisions about how and what they produce.
Metadata - Linear and On Demand Management Views
The single Offers screen is now split into separate Linear and On Demand screens, allowing users to focus their efforts on content with less filtering.