Account Management

The set of features for user account management are being expanded significantly. Recent improvements have included the password change and recovery features from the login screen and the ability to add new users using a form in Console. Whilst not considered the most exciting aspect of Console, these essential features make administering a set of users simple and intuitive.

User account creation

Recently this aspect of account management has been expanded to include a form-based method of adding new users. A user can be assigned to various tenancies with different roles and permissions for each one. This refinement makes this process much simpler and demonstrates our commitment to making complex processes available to all users.

User login

Login requires a Domain, Username and Password. This will load tenancies in the ‘Tenancy picker’ in the top right of Console. Selecting a tenancy will load the Dashboard and content.

Upgrades have been made to allow users to recover forgotten passwords from the login screen similar to other internet accounts. An obvious improvement but ultimately, this is an essential feature.


On login, check the tenancies picker to select the tenancy to work on.

Tenancy Picker

User menu


Displays username, user type, access and permissions.


Currently allows language change for the Console.

Password change

Changes password. Remember to change your password regularly and make it memorable!

What’s new?

This is where notifications of changes to Console since the last user log in appear. It will appear as a red dot in the ‘User’ menu button in the top right - click the user menu and select ‘What’s new?’ to see the latest release notes.

What's new?